The AICPA announced this week a timetable for the release dates of current and Q1 2018 Uniform CPA Examination scores.
"With the exception of the 2017 Q2 - Q4 testing windows, scores are released four times per window based on the dates provided in the tables below," the AICPA wrote on their site. "The 2017 score release dates allow the Board of Examiners to conduct its standard setting process for the updated Examination, which launched on April 1."
The score release timetables are as follows, listing CPA Exam sitting date, the date(s) the AICPA should receive testing data by 11:59pm EST, and the target score release date, in that order:
- September 10 (2017) - September 11 - September 19
- September 10 - After September 11 - September 25
- December 10 - December 11 - December 19
- December 10 - After December 11 - December 21
- January 20 (2018) - January 1-20 - February 6
- February 14 - January 21-February 14 - February 23
- February 28 - February 15-28 - March 8
- March 11 - March 1-11 - March 20

For more information, head to the AICPA's