CalCPA announces the retirement of longtime CEO Loretta Doon, HBK launches a philanthropic initiative and more CPA news.


Ostrow Reisin Berk & Abrams, Chicago, opened a new wealth advisory subsidiary, ORBA Wealth Advisors, an Independent Registered Investment Advisor. The ORBA Wealth Advisors team is: James Petitpren, executive private wealth advisor and chief investment officer; Luke Schillo, director of planning and portfolios; Alexandra Coquoz, private wealth analyst; Frank Washelesky, chief compliance officer; and investment advisors Steve Lewis and James Pellino.
RSM, Chicago, has joined the Sheltered Harbor alliance partner community in the assurance and advisory capacities. Sheltered Harbor is a nonprofit subsidiary of Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center and the industry standard for protecting and recovering customer account data in the event that a catastrophic event causes critical system failure.
Cray, Kaiser, Chicago, was appointed a member firm of global network Russell Bedford International.