It’s never too late for your clients to start working on their personal finances -- but it’s never too early, either, and the earlier they start in, the longer they’ll benefit. With that in mind, a number of members of the American Institute of CPAs’ PFP Executive Committee and its Personal Financial Specialist, or PFS, Credential Committee shared a double-handful of tips and strategies to start 2019 off in great shape.

1. New year, new plan

2. Review 2018 spending while budgeting 2019

3. Review automatic payment subscriptions and renewals

4. Update Form W-4 for withholding

5. Make an early calculation of 2018 taxes

6. Revisit workplace retirement plan contributions

7. Make a 2018 IRA and HSA contribution (if you haven't already)

8. Don’t wait -- contribute to your IRA now
“The reason why you roll it over immediately is if there are no earnings in the IRA before it is rolled into a Roth, there is no income to pick up on the conversion,” he explained. “This doesn’t work if you have other traditional IRAs that have untaxed earnings (whether it be from unrealized gains or prior deductible IRA contributions), because you have to aggregate all of the IRAs when determining the amount of the taxable conversion.”

9. Take a look at your current allocation