Moving forward
With that in mind, heres a list of tax tips for you and your clients to think about before the end of 2016, from the National Society of Accountants and others in the field.
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First whats not changing
The standard deduction amounts remain $6,300 single/married filing separately, and $12,600 for married filing jointly. The standard deduction for heads of households, however, rises to $9,300.
(Photo: Bloomberg)
Deferring income
That may mean getting a bonus in January, instead of December, or waiting to redeem a savings bond, or putting off debt forgiveness income.
Keep an eye on AGI
New permanent incentives for individuals
--The American Opportunity Tax Credit;
--The teachers $250 classroom expense deduction;
--The ability to deduct state and local sales tax instead of state income taxes;
--The exclusion for direct charitable donation of up to $100,000 from an IRA; and,
--The 100 percent gain exclusion on qualified small-business stock.
New permanent incentives for businesses
--The reduced five year recognition period for S corp built-in gains tax;
--15-year straight-line cost recovery for qualified leasehold improvements, restaurant property and retail improvements; and,
--Charitable deductions for the contribution of food inventory.