A major crisis
This slideshow shares six tactics for keeping your Millennials on side, from Bruce Tulgan, founder and CEO of RainmakerThinking Inc. and author of the recent Not Everyone Gets a Trophy: How to Manage the Millennials.
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1. Emphasize the prestige factor
In order to retain the best, you need to send the message that not everyone gets to work at your firm, and that it is a privilege and an honor to work there, he says.
2. Highlight top performers
They want to know that someone knows just how much great work they are doing, Tulgan explains.
3. Push out low performers
Getting rid of those who dont perform well will also increase the prestige factor of your firm.
4. Reward them more
Every Millennial wants a custom deal. The more you are able to customize for them, the longer you will keep them, Tulgan says. But if your resources and your ability to customize are limited, you had better concentrate those resources on your very best people.
5. Understand them as individuals
The more unusual the needs and wants of a particular employee, the more valuable it will be if you are able to meet those needs and wants, because it will be harder for other employers to replicate those rewards, Tulgan points out.
6. Lavish time and attention on them
The better they are, the more attention they want: The superstar Millennials want managers who know exactly who they are, help them succeed, and keep close track of their success, says Tulgan.