AT Think

New Service Aims to Help Clients Find Accountants

A new Web site called Teaspiller launched on Tuesday with the aim of helping taxpayers find accountants, especially during tax season.

Taking a page from the burgeoning Tea Party movement, Teaspiller also found inspiration from the Boston Tea Party. According to the company’s Web site, CEO Amit Vemuri, an Internet entrepreneur and former vice president at travel site Travelocity, was in a library reading up on tax and accounting history and came across an editorial reference to the Boston Tea Party protestors as “teaspillers.” He decided to use the name for the Web site he wanted to launch.

The company, which was founded in 2009, claims to already have a network of 20,000+ accountants across the country in place for the site launch. However, it’s going to be challenging some established sites like,, and, as well as services run by accounting organizations like the AICPA.

The New York-based startup claims to have several technology advantages, including complex algorithms to match various kinds of accounting and tax preparation needs with accountants who possess the appropriate skill sets and industry expertise.

Along with the search and matching technology, Teaspiller offers an individualized accountant reviews system. Maintained by the community, the reviews system aims to match accountants and customers based on factors such as tax preparation needs, specific industry characteristics and their associated tax issues, location, size, and more.

According to the announcement of the site’s launch, Vemuri wants to make his accountant-matching service into what Travelocity is for travel and Netflix is for movie rentals. Of course, if he follows in Netflix’s footsteps, he’ll have to figure out how to ship accountants in little postage-paid red envelopes or stream them over the Internet.

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