The AICPA-CIMA Competency and Learning website launched earlier this year to help Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA®) designation holders expand their skills and build rewarding career paths. In recent months, the website has broadened to include other competency categories such as employee benefit plan auditing, governmental auditing and – as of today – accounting and auditing. Other topical areas will be added in the months ahead.
With the addition of new accounting and auditing framework into the site, CPAs are now able to analyze where they might have a knowledge gap and get instant, personalized recommendations on various learning resources to master that area. The new framework was developed by some of the profession’s top subject matter experts.
“Professional education isn’t about how much time you spend in front of a computer or how long you sit through a presentation,” said
A new feature on the website called "Knowledge Checks” gives multiple-choice quizzes on specific topics, with a wrong answer will trigger links to AICPA learning resources on that topic. Professionals can also find nearby conferences by leveraging location-based searches. The site is also free and mobile-friendly.
For more information, head to the AICPA-CIMA's Competency and Learning